Employee Starter Kit

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Exercise Vested Options

As employee, you can realise your gains on your awarded options that are vested. You will first have to exercise your vested options to receive shares.

How to Exercise Vested Options?

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4. On the Exercise Page – Enter your Personal and Nominee Details and click on Next

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5. On the Exercise Page, enter the required number of options you wish to Exercise.If you wish to Exercise all your Vested options,      select “Yes” or Select “No” and enter the preferred number of options under Exercise Quantity instead

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Once you enter the number units you wish to exercise, on the right hand side, you can view the Exercise Summary. Exercise Summary displays the following:  

  1. Quantity to Exercise: No of units you wish to exercise.  
  2. Exercise Amount: Exercise amount per option *Quantity Exercised 
  3. Tax Amount: click on view details. It gives you a complete tax breakdown. Tax Rate is pre selected by your employer. It shows you the Perquisite Value (FMV-Exercise Price per option*options exercised), Tax Percentage and the Tax Amount.

1. Sign in to your Qapita account.

2. Click on Equity Awards on your Left Menu.

3. Click on Exercise Options.

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6. Click on Next

    Exercise Request Confirmation dialogue box is displayed

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Please confirm the details and click on Submit Exercise Request.

7. How can I pay for my Exercise Transactions

    You can explore the available payment methods for settling your Exercise Amount. By clicking on the Eye Icon adjacent to each     payment mode, you can access the corresponding account details where your payment should be directed.  


For Wire Transfer option, upon clicking the Eye Icon, you can access the Account Details for wire transfer. 


8. Once the Wire Transfer is successful, you can then update your payment details and attach proof of payment. Click on     Proceed.  


9. Review the Exercise Form and click on proceed. You can also download the Exercise Form.  

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10. Acknowledgement: You can review your details once again on the acknowledgement page.  

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